Creativity at the Point of Passion

piano keys

Image from:

My inbox today held a great example of how students will use their iPads in ways we never thought of when we discussed possible uses. Neil used his with his school sponsored VoiceThread account to record himself playing the piano. He tells the story in his blog post so I will just say that his example highlights what our students can and will do when creativity and passion intersect along with technology. His ability to share his passion with the world is what has changed. Go Neil!

“Pink Panther Song by Neil M.

I recorded the Pink panther song on the piano. Below I inserted the recording of it, on VoiceThread, using the iPad. This particular piece was the hardest I had ever played, taking me over three weeks to master. My piano teacher helped me to break it down and lead me to success. On the day I recorded the song, I had just had a piano lesson. Even though I thought I was ready, playing a three page song with no mistakes is difficult. Especially when I know that one mistake and I would have to restart from the beginning. After about 40 previous mess-ups, I reached the end on a perfect run. This song really challenged my piano skill. Please enjoy! This song took a lot of effort to play. Maybe the only reason I was able to perfect it was because I saw my friend in Pennsylvania played it when he was nine. So I thought, “If he could do it, then I certainly could too.”

Read the original post at

Because folks wanted to watch the VoiceThread but did not have an account, I exported it as a movie file for uploading here. Of course, the music is copyrighted so I am going out on a limb to show it here as the performance rights were not purchased.



iPad Tutorials – Using sliderocket

Blogsy for iPad

Blogsy app -used by students to blog at Edublogs. This is a sliderocket presentation – already in all teachers Moodle course if they blog.



Atomic Learning iPad app

Goodreader com  products  GoodReader

Shared by a Parent – Inspired Look at the Future of Learning and the Role of a Teacher

I have been absent from blogging much as my writing is taking place in writing tutorials or helping students and teachers with iPads. I will be posting some of my tutorials from my new favorite app, SlideRocket soon but until then let me share this video from a parent. By the way SlideRocket EDU is free to schools using Google Apps for Education.

Just came across this and wanted to share.
This is so very interesting…

when you have time, watch it…
I love technology.

Thanks Lisa

What I Learned at NCAIS Biennial Conference

The first ten minutes of How Blogs Can Help Us Teach Knowledge, Skills, and Content for a Global World Workshop task was to write a reflection on what you learned today at the conference.

Starting off with this as a an activity is a wonderful respite for the day of learning. I have spent the day seeing familiar faces and connecting with colleagues. I constantly am aware of how much I know and equally how much I have to learn. I am writing this with Katy Field from PDS who I learned from at the NCAIS Master Teacher Academy in 2011.

What a great way to start the session. I learned about how to adjust the professional development team at the Middle School into a team from Cary Academy. I am anxious to bring it back to our school. I learned from Matt Scully and Derek Willard about how PDS are using iPads. Amazing work being done at PDS. It is good to see how PDS uses Edublogs. I am drawn to what they do at their school as it seems to be a forward looking school and one that would challenge me as an educator.

Thanks to Durham Academy for sending a team of us to this conference.