What a simple Flag Counter can do to promote writing and reading

The Cav Visitors

The Durham Academy Middle School blog, The Cav is now hosted on Edublogs. I wrote about this in October, 2010 when we made the change from using our FirstClass setup. I have been very pleased by the switch as it affirms what I believe our students need to do more of which is writing for an authentic audience. Below is a message that Sam K. sent to the students at our school on December 24, 2010 at 4:35 PM while on break.


So far on The Cav, we got:


417 Americans (obviously), four British people, two guys from Philippines, and 1 from Russia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Canada, South Africa, Australia, and Pakistan who have visited The Cav.


Check out The Cav every now and then!




Sam K.