Semester Exams 2.0 & Students 2.0

Here at the Middle School students are busy taking the typical end of semester exams in 7th and 8th grade classes. Students use the tried and true methods of index flash cards and study guides. Teachers work hard to get them printed and distributed to the students before the exam. I have overheard teachers talking about how many students do not understand that past tests, quizzes and other material will be used to create the semester exam. I remember how hard it was for me to get this concept into the “heads” of my students when I taught Earth Science at Culbreth Middle School. That was from 1993 until I came here in 1999. Times and technology certainly has changed since then as teachers and students now use a Course Management System called the DAILE Moodle, some teachers have web sites while others hold firm to the way they have done it for their career.

I am amazed at the tools the students are using to get ready for the exams along with the paper guides given to them by their teachers. The tools they use affirm my readings and belief that the Web 2.0 tools really do create a Classroom 2.0.

Here is a list of tools to date.

Quizlet – started by a 15 year old student a few years ago with the tag line “The end of flash cards” It was started by Andrew to learn the many words he had just been given by his teacher. It has caught on here like wildfire as it allows students to create “sets” that will help them learn, familiarize and even test themselves. Students create groups and can manage who has access to the various sets. The site has matured nicely with many other tools and a great user interface. Mrs. Long was happy to see her Latin students using sets in preparation for the exam. She asked me how she could use it in her room and I said, perhaps if you suggested at least one student create a set to make sure it was accurate (we know that can be a downfall of mass collaborative projects) the students will take ownership of it themselves. One user who is a student here (and has a great user name) has created 26 sets for far. uncstar4ever is worth looking at since it shows how students are able to become teachers of students.

Last year I did need to step in when someone thought having a set that was inappropriate was good fun. I contacted Andrew and the set was removed and it provided me with a great teachable moment. I am glad to see that they now have a flagging system where users can alert them to inappropriate sets.

Two students here at Durham Academy two students wrote the software called Flashstacks which allows students to create similar flash cards and even share them with other DA students. It is good software for that purpose, but it does not have all of the features of Quizlet.

Wikis: Eighth Grade History students have taken history into their own hands as well. The free MindTouch Deki Wiki has been set up to serve out this wiki. Christopher is behind it I believe and he has clearly hit upon a resource that is useful for getting ready. Now it does seem that students still feel the same way about exams as we did when we were in school as is evidenced by the graphic created in order to demonstrate it. The wiki is a good example of what students will create when free or low cost technology tools are available.

Since the 5th and 6th grade students do not have exams they have been busy as well using learning tools. 5th grade students are researching topics related to the book Bud, Not Buddy. WIth the efforts of Mrs. Longee and assistance by myself, each class is editing a wiki for use by their class along with the world. Students are learning to collaborate and create learning resources. To see the wikis develop, go to: Mrs. Doak’s 5.2 Class, Mrs. Doak’s 5.1 Class, or Mrs. Parry’s 5.3 Class, or Mrs. Parry’s 5.4 Class. We used PBwiki instead of Moodle as the tools are richer at present and because Mrs. Parry is constructing her Moodle course at this time.

Sixth graders are also working on wikis in Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Williamson’s Moodle courses. They are only available to students or parents with the log in information of your son or daughter. Check them out as it demonstrates more of the new tools for learning that are available and necessary for today’s learning.

In addition, Mrs. Williamson’s class are putting the finishing touches on their second book talks which they did using Keynote and GarageBand. After writing their script (once they read the book) students created title slides in Keynote to serve as guides as they narrated their podcasts. We call them Bookcasts as they are a new twist to the old book report. More collaboration, creation, peer editing, and authentic learning since their podcasts are available via iTunes. Students in this class were working on multiple projects at one time and supporting each others learning by troubleshooting or offering tips on how to make just the right soundtrack music. Check our Room 207

I am so proud of the efforts of the teachers and students as we continue to stretch the learning environment here at the Middle School. Tomorrow I get to work with some sixth graders who are creating movies of Medieval Day with Mr. Keeney. Stay tuned…

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