Alan November (Live Blog)

I am excited to hear Alan talk today about “Banning Student Containers” as he inspired me to change the title of what I do. I am no longer the technology coordinator as it was too limiting. There is no pencil and paper coordinator. It was freeing to me as I am no longer “that computer guy” but a critical component of the learning environment. Thanks Alan and I will keep spreading the word.

Communist China allow students to use more of the tools that we block in US schools.
His son uses: video games, skype, chat, etc..

We should be paying attention to what technology students use when not in school. If students had discovered paper before teachers in the past, we would have banned paper like we ban other student containers.

The best schools are the schools that place ownership of the curriculum with the students.
There are no barriers to any of this!! Fear and imagination are the barriers.
In the past children were vital to the survival of the family. Food and feed for animals were needed to sustain the family unit. Now there is nothing like that as they have school work and some chores. Now there is no connection to the survival of the family which impacts students.

Our culture gives the power of learning to teachers and administrators. A cultural change is what is needed.

The work of a few dedicated students need to create content can change the classroom.


Digital Learning Farm where the students are essential to the learning community. All teams work as connected elements.
6 jobs at the new DLF
1. Tutorial Design Team: Screencastomatic – Homework will contribute to the good of the whole and not just one. What are we learning next week? What a great question from a student? Who benefits the most? How will other students react?
2. Curricular Review Team – Review Last Weeks Lessons and create podcasts that support it. Students must have the rigor and expertise to create content that is double-checked, organized, and streamed for all students.
3. Daily Researcher – Student gets the answers for the class [(Critical Thinking Team for Rigorous Research
4. Global Communication and Research Team – get primary documents to support a global debate. Go global with a podcast that will be shared via a debate with a school elsewhere. Expand the discourse exposure. Why did the Americans Revolt (England View)
5. Daily Blogger/Scribe to record the days notes. What happens when you take away the fear of students needing to take notes?
Part 2 Building a Learning Community Tools: Skype and Blogs
Finding teachers to connect with is as easy as using ePals. The problem is how to make a sense of the connection you create.

Onetime events are easier to build then are long term events (New York City Poets and South Bronx student reciting a poem she wrote)

Consider how every family is a center of learning. All families must be part of the community.

Each student if not families should have a blog as part of the learning community.

Writing for a college blue book. Present your writing to the world looking for feedback from around the world. The Clem

Students write online at

Each students blog need to feed to teachers blog or course.

How to work with administrators: Ask what they want to improve? Technology is not part of the questions.
Change agents are to identify what is important in the culture of your school.
Independent schools are often geared towards improving the AP scores so you raise the scores even higher.

Use Skype to connect to the world in elementary school. Have books read by grandparents using Skype and record it. Make a CD of the stories.

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