Tinkercad and 3D Printing Camp

Tinkercad is wonderful software for learning how to design objects in 3D. We also use Makers Empire but due to technical issues, (my brain forgot to ask to have the app installed) we were not able to use it at camp. Tinkercad is free like sunshine while Makers Empire is a very affordable subscription model. We had 12 creative young people who worked hard this week. They were successful with most of their designs and prints although failures were abundant since doing more prototyping will result in the refinements needed to slice their designs.

Below is Octavio’s Snowball Fight Snow Speeder.

Ella really got into making Bunny figures with different themes like; Too Much Coffee Bunny, Scuba Bunny, etc…

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8 thoughts on “Tinkercad and 3D Printing Camp

  1. I liked your blog post a lot! You are a great writer and I liked it when you used the simile, free like sunshine. The objects were really cool too!

  2. Hello Mr charger I think that what Ella made and Octavio made were really cool though making prototypes takes a long time and and a lot of effort when it’s done it really good.

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